My “No Sex with Ax and Hal” 30-day writing challenge is officially finished! Only 1 or 2 people read most of it, but that’s okay. I accomplished what I set out to do, which was to write – and post – a complete vignette/chapter/scene every day for 30 days straight. (It actually ended up being 31 days’ worth of writing, and 32 chapters written, including one epilogue for each of the two mains, because I don’t like to leave too many plot threads hanging.) If, in that process, I also got to add a bit of characterization to my main Borderlands romance bros, all the better.
Not sure what I’m going to write next. I’m rather tired of feeling lonely in fandoms, so I’m thinking maybe I should return to my original fiction, like Fearless or Finding Mister Wright. Or, maybe I’ll finally get cracking on that detective story. At least with my originals, it’s alone without being lonely. Regardless, I’ve really enjoyed writing my BL adventurers over the last two years. (Has it really only been two years?!) They taught me a lot. They even found me a few new friends. I’ll always love ‘em, for that.
Heck, I’ll always love ‘em, anyway.
That’s wonderful that you met your writing challenge, Mayumi! You know I’m partial to your “Finding Mister Wright” stories, so I’d love to see you work more with them. But of course, you must write what feels right to you. 🙂
Thanks, JM. With your recommendation, how could I not write more FMW stories? 🙂
Thanks so much for staying by me. It really means a lot to know I have friends out here. 🙂
I would like to read more of both of your originals. You have a great voice as a writer.
Aww! 🙂 I’ll bet Marshall and company will find many fans if you share more of their stories. And you most certainly have friends out here. Some of them may be away from blogging much these days, but I’m sure they’ll be back before too long.
Thanks, George! That’s always an awesome thing for an aspiring writer to hear. I’m looking forward to sharing both of these stories to more people!
I’m actually tearing up a little as I read this. Thank you, JM! <3
I feel the same way about Meghan, Kat, and the rest!
Glad to have you back, Mayumi!
I admit that I haven’t had a chance to read all of your challenge pieces yet, but the ones I have sound like they were fun to write. Or at least therapeutic to be sure. I can’t believe it’s been two years since you started in Borderlands either.
I certainly don’t blame you for feeling lonely in the fandoms, they do tend to be quite finicky. Personally, I’d love to see more ‘Finding Mister wright’ or ‘Fearless’, or your new detective idea. Whichever one sparks the mind
Thanks, Shade! It feels good to be back in the blogging sphere. There’s a lot for me to catch up on, but I’m looking forward to getting back into the swing of things.
Thanks, too, for the support for “Finding Mister Wright” and _Fearless_. I’m actually turning my attentions to both of them, for a more serious pass at paperback sharing. I’m hoping they can resonate at least as much as my fandom work has done. 🙂
I’m so glad to hear you completed your writing challenge. That, in my eyes, is so important, because you’re moving forward and being proactive with your passion. Having readers or not having readers…it’s good to find a small few to bounce your stuff off and to make it a reciprocal thing. Finding the right fit is difficult. You don’t want readers who are constantly praising every aspect of your work, nor do you want the opposite. Somewhere in the middle. I bet you have some great readers, though!
Thanks, Kate. 🙂 The best thing to have come out of that challenge was that it got me excited about writing again. There’s been so much going on in my real life, I felt guilty for wanting to sit down in my make-believe worlds. I mentioned to a friend of mine that I was worried my writing is a crutch, but she pointed out to me that crutches can be good things: they help people get their strength back, and learn how to walk again after a sprain or break.
Critique partners are so valuable to have, especially for more serious projects. I’m really grateful for the few I’ve managed to find. Though, for throwaway stuff like that vignette challenge, I mostly enjoyed just being able to chat about imaginary worlds with friends. 🙂