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Independent Author

Mayumi Hirtzel

I’ve always been fascinated by stories, whether they’re comics, films, television, books, or games. I’ve also been making up stories for as long as I can remember. When I became old enough to hold a pen in my hand, I started to write those stories down. At first, my stories were only a few lines long. They weren’t very good, but the more I practiced, the more I wrote, and the better I got at the parts that make a story: dialogue, description, characterization, motivation, plot – all the good stuff that keeps people turning pages and coming back for more.

I hope you’ll take a look at my stories, some of which you can purchase and others you can read for free, here and around the web!


photo (c) Celeste Giuliano Photography


Click the cover images below to go to the pages dedicated to each book.

book cover for Number Seven and the Life Left Behind

Number Seven and the Life Left Behind

Thriller novella; original fiction. Available for purchase.

book cover for Even Cowboys Get Hip Replacements

Even Cowboys Get Hip Replacements

DC Superhero fanfiction. Free to read; paperback version available.

book cover for Baby, You're Making Me Crazy

Baby, You’re Making Me Crazy

DC Superhero fanfiction. Free to read; paperback version available.

Golden Eagle helmet with reflected alien women faces on the side

Without Wings

DC Superhero fanfiction. Free to read; paperback version coming soon.

My Writing Blog

Random Writings

2024: Every story matters

I've spent the last 6 months or so over on Substack, keeping a log of my Writing Accountability Project for my current work in progress (WIP), the murder mystery/thriller/adventure novel that I've been banging around since last year. When I started writing the draft...

Golden Eagle’s glorious helm paperback cover

I recently pushed to paperback printing my third novel-length DC fan fiction project, Without Wings. This particular story went through three separate revisions over the course of three years. If you're curious about the plot, visit the page linked to above. One thing...