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Is anyone surprised I’m combining prompts again? This week, it’s Lillie McFerrin’s Five Sentence Fiction prompt of “DELICATE,” as well as Julia’s Place’s 100-Word Challenge for Grown-Ups (week 75, for those of you counting). The 100WCGU prompt is this picture:
Additionally, Julia asks us “…to close your eyes and imagine you are one of those figures looking out over the Grand Canyon. Your 100 words can either [be] the conversation that might happen or your thoughts as you look and experience the scene.“
First-person pieces are not my forte, and I didn’t exactly follow the rules. But, this could be one conversation that might happen, just not to me….
“At the Edge”
We approached the edge side by side, but not together; I was only supposed to be his guide, after all, a familiar face to show him some wonders on his American holiday, nothing more.
“Beautiful,” I murmured when we reached the rail; there was his hand, settled so close, but who knew what might be said if anyone noticed. “It always makes me feel insignificant, like a snowflake in a storm.”
“Singular, perhaps,” he said, “but, hardly insignificant.”
Something in his voice made me look up, into his face, just as he took my hand, whispering, “I’ve left my wife.”
As indelicate as this situation is, it’s one close to my heart. Am I venturing too much into reality? Or, does this still smack of fiction to you? I feel like I’m blurring the lines more and more, these days.
What conversations did you have as you looked out over the Grand Canyon this week? What did you think? Something DELICATE, or not? Feel free to let me know!
Very brave on two counts; what he said and where he’s standing! But I think he’s judged his moment very well and they will leave together. A beautifully, romantic piece. x
I too would want to or should I say desperately need to hold someone’s albeit it might be total stranger in order to venture out to the threshold of an exhilerating of being in mid-air on a narrow safe zone on which I can walk to look below me. Quite vivid.
Would love to hear your feedback on my 5 sentence endeavor for this week’s prompt.
Lovely writing, and you draw, too! Very nicely done.
A very good piece with enough that the reader can fill in their future the way they like.
Beautiful and romantic! Like the snowflake bit, it made me awww out loud. Love your pic!
Mayumi, I am always so jealous of your writing talent, and this week is no exception. There is a real tenderness to everything you write. I love the line “Singular, perhaps,” he said, “but, hardly insignificant.”
Thank you, Lizzie. I hope they take this moment for what it’s worth, as well.
I don’t know if I’d be brave enough to take those steps, either. But, maybe, for the one I love…
Thanks for stopping by!
Thank you!
I try to keep my drawing pencils as sharp as my writing pens, but I fear they don’t always get equal attention. It’s always nice to give them a bit of a workout, though. 🙂
Thank you, KR. I have my own ideas how I’d want to see this play out, but it’s always nice to let readers determine for themselves, too.
Thanks, Jenny. 🙂
It’s hard visiting these two; they’re a tricky balancing act of morals. But, I had to let them have a singularly lovely moment, even if it’s fleeting.
Thanks for the kind words, Sally-Jayne. But, don’t be jealous – instead, take credit! 🙂 Because I always keep in mind your style and advice when I’m writing. Your ficlet “Wedding Jitters”, for example, has those subtle descriptive elements in it I try to achieve in my own work. And, I think I’ve said this before, but I always remember your helpful hints about starting sentences in varying ways, when I write. I can’t tell you how much that’s made my work more dynamic and interesting, even just from my internal perspective. 🙂
So, thank you, doubly so!
My personal thoughts being in that particular locale would probably center on not losing my balance (or lunch) and getting back to clearly solid ground as quickly as possible. 😉
I envy your characters being able to enjoy both the view and the personal moment you showed us so well. 🙂
Thanks, JM. I find my characters are usually braver than I am, as well. 😉
Beautiful connection, and I loved the picture, I love being able to incorporate my art into my words too! I really liked the snowflake statement and his reply, and lovely moment leaving us with hope for the couple!
Thank you, Lisa.
I really should draw more. I get a different feeling of freedom when I do so. 🙂
First off, I want to say I think you’re a wonderful artist as well as a wonderful writer. 🙂 Secondly, I felt a rhythm to the words so that it read more like poetry in a way. I don’t recall your feelings about poetry, but I think that I may have mentioned this to you before in another challenge you did. Just something to think about. 😉
While one love burns, another blooms Who’s to say which one, if either, will be left standing in the end.
I really like both the delicacy of how she dances around her own desires, to the complete indelicacy of his declaration. I’m curious to see their next step.
Also, great work on the hands drawing. I hate rushing out anything too, but if you can do that in an hour, I can only imagine what you make with a week.
Looking forward to more Mayumi!
What a lovely thing to hear, Kate – especially from someone who’s poetry always inspires (and intimidates…in a good way)! 😀 Thank you!
I’m terrible with poetry, but I’ve always enjoyed the way words can flow. It makes me unnecessarily verbose, at times, but I’m learning. As for the drawing, I often feel like I neglect that part of my life in favor of the paragraphs. But, it’s as freeing, in its way. Thanks again!
Thanks, Shade! I’m glad you mentioned the delicacy, here. I was worried I was being too obscure!
I get antsy when I draw. Some of my “best” work is the dA stuff (“Nothing at all” and “When Larry met Sally”), but I suffer from impatience. For instance, these hands I did the rough sketch, then the outlines, then the basic shading around the edges…and then I gave up and just filled it in.
I don’t know where to go from here, with these two. They may have run their course, after all this time. But, I thought the same about my runaways, too, and look where they went. 😉