Change, in a Bottle: The Concept
They say change starts with you, and me. Since it’s Giving Tuesday (2017), I wanted to make an effort to give back to one of my favorite charities. As I sat eating my lunch, I saw the bottles of change I keep on the table, where I toss the dimes, nickles, and pennies that I bring back from my lunch purposes. A few years ago, I took the change I’d collected and given it to one of our office charity events. It felt great not only to start fresh with those bottles once more, but also to know that even my little change was going to a good cause. I’d like to do the same again, but I’d like to help you, too.
Change, in a Bottle: The Game
Take a look at the image to the left. Those bottles represent my change collection from the last year or so. While it’s not a lot of money, I know that every little bit helps, especially when it’s for a good cause. I’m going to donate that change to one of my favorite good causes, Sierra Club Foundation, which gets a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator, in case you have your doubts. If you’d like to join the game, take a guess as to the total amount of money in coins in that picture. The person who guesses the closest to the total will win an equal donation to the charity of their choice, from me. Just post your name, your guess, and your charity in the comments below! Guess submissions will close one week from today – Tuesday, December 5, 2017 – when I’ll do a count of the change and post the results. So start guessing!
Change, in a Bottle: The Rules
While I’d like to keep this super-easy for everyone, every game has to have rules just to keep things orderly. Here they are:
- Only one guess per person, please.
- Post your guess, along with your name and the name of your charity, using the Comments box for this post. Social media replies or retweets don’t count; sorry.
- Submit your guess before Tuesday, December 5, 2017, at 8am ET.
Thanks for playing, and let’s get giving!
(to Ten Lives Club, http://tenlivesclub.com/home_0.aspx)
Got your guess! Let me know which charity you’re rooting for, too, before Tuesday, December 5!
$15 to the Sierra Club!
Great idea, Mayumi! I’m going to guess $29.73. How’s that for precise? ? My charity, should I win, is the American Academy of Pediatrics Friend of Children Fund (https://www.aap.org/en-us/about-the-aap/philanthropy/Pages/Annual-Fund.aspx). Thanks!
Got it! That would be a double-give! 😀
I admire that precision, Carrie! That must be why you are a scientist. 🙂
Thanks for participating!
$27 to World Central Kitchen. Great idea Mayumi!
Got it, Kate. Thanks for playing!
How am I missing your posts??? I just saw your FB notification, and it looks like you’ve been up and running and I had no idea! So sorry!! And to top it off, I missed this fun game.
What a great idea, Mayumi. Can’t wait to see who wins!!
If you’re still online, Kate, let me know what your guess and charity are, before 1pm! I’ll count them. 🙂
Sorry I missed out on this. I got really behind in my blog visits this winter. Love your new site by the way. It’s really cool.