It’s Week 50 for the 100-Word Challenge for Grown-Ups! I’ve only been participating for twenty weeks (you can read my entry for Week 31 here), but I feel like I’ve really learned a lot – and grown as a storyteller – in even that short amount of time, so I’m so grateful for the continued opportunity to participate. Thank you especially to those of you who have been so supportive of my efforts!
But, on to the matter at hand! Julia says, The prompt is:
… the rain turned the road into a river…
You have 100 words to add to the prompt, making 108 in total. Please don’t split the prompt and remember to make a link back here so that others can find us.
Here’s my attempt:
Neither Hell nor High Water
“Come home? I need you.”
Sally’s message made Larry scramble, tossing rushed goodbyes to his mates as he bolted outside. The rain turned the road into a river, but he didn’t care. The sky could go on fire, the earth could belch its dead; nothing would keep him from her.
He’d stripped half-naked before he was even up the stairs, where he immediately swept Sally into his arms for an impassioned, instigating kiss.
She flustered. “What’s this, now?”
Larry shifted back, abruptly stymied. “You said…! Aren’t you…ovulating?”
Sally shook her head. “The water heater’s broken,” she explained.
He flushed hot. “Oh.”
She chuckled, coyly. “But, since you’re here…!”
Prosaic, I know…but I couldn’t help delving into such gentle silliness between a couple of want-to-be parents. I’m sure many of us have been there…!
Did you get rained out on this week’s prompt? Or did you manage to make your way through the storm?
ooh theirs me thinking its heading to the 50 shades of grey type scene but love how you turned it into a fun piece- brill writing x
You have taken me right back in an instant to our 6 months of trying to conceive in 2009.
sometimes, miscues are the best! 🙂 great twist!
Oooh I love it!
I’m smiling as I type – love the image of him racing upstairs shedding clothes behind him! And a nice ending.
Ha ha! Thanks, Jenny.
I admit, I like romance…but I love the fun part of it best.
Glad I could reconnect you with those memories, Liska. Hopefully, they remain good ones. 😉
Thanks for commenting!
Thanks, Lorraine. Mistakes do often have a way of working themselves out, in these situations. 😉
Thanks, Gilly. Glad it did its job. 🙂
Thanks, Sharon. I’m glad someone else enjoyed that image of rushing preparation I had in my head, too! 😀
Lol. Delicious.
Fabulous, fun and lovely writing!
This made me laugh – loved the idea of him stripping off before he made it up the stairs!
Water heater be dammed! XD
This one sounds like a lot of fun, which speaks volumes about a couple who can take such a miscue and turn it into such a moment of love.
Marvelous work!
Thanks, Delft! Glad you found it yummy. 🙂
Thanks, Catherine-Jayne. I’m glad you enjoyed it.
Thanks, Sally-Jayne! I had fun imagining that rush up the stairs, too. 😀
Thanks, Shade. I do love it when even an unexpected miscommunication can create a sweet moment.
I love this! One of your best. I giggled out loud at such unrestrained romance and lust, a great combination in a relationship. Super job.
Thanks, Kate! I’m glad you enjoyed it; I have such fun with these characters, too.
I thought your poem this week was really very strong, too. I was smiling the whole way through it! I was tempted to go dark with the prompt (I know others did, and did so well), but I love that you took it to such an imaginative and playful turn.
Thanks again!
This is a great story… obviously very funny.
Mmm, the water heater? Sounds like a needy fixture and/or pipe… just kidding. Randy
Thanks, Randy. I like your comparison of a needy fixture/pipe, too! Naughty…but I like it! 😀
Thanks again for commenting.