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I seem to be ping-pong-ing with my challenges, lately. Hope that’s all right with everyone. If not…well, too bad.

100 Word Challenge for Grown-UpsThis is week 78 for the 100 Word Challenge for Grown-Ups, provided by Julia’s Place. For this week, Julia says the prompt is:
…what does it taste like…

There were no specific rules about including this phrase in our submissions, so I just ran with the spirit of the prompt.

“In His Kiss”

He smelled clean, electric, like a fresh summer rain that prickled her nostrils every time she drew breath. He felt like it, too: skin slick beneath her fingers, lips wet as he pressed them to hers. His body gave off a flowing heat she felt in wavy vapors as he took her in his arms.

Whispering his desires around their mouths, he pulled her to the ground, plucking gently at her buttons.

She let him do it all. Because she couldn’t go back to the farm. Not after that first kiss, when she’d tasted this fate on his sweet lips.

I’d considered calling this one “A Taste of Things to Come,” but, that just made me think of Shang Tsung.

Hershey's Kisses and Cherry Cordial Creme Kisses

No raunch, this time. Just good, old fashioned sweetness.

I have a character who is blind, and, in considering a tale from her point of view, I’ve wondered what it might be like to write a story without using the convention of visual description. A love scene – such as this is – is not particularly difficult, because it’s so much about what is felt, anyway. But, I’m a firm believer in using all senses in description when I can remember to do so. This prompt provided some fun practice.

As writers, we paint with words to describe. Most often, those words relate to the visual sense. But, what are your next favorite senses in description?