Words and Worlds of Writer Mayumi Hirtzel
What are the BonusParts?
Collected on this website are the bonus parts to who I am on paper: Mayumi Hirtzel, storyteller, video producer, artist, animal advocate, Balanchine enthusiast, and occasional pinup model.
I’ve written many, many stories over the years, including contemporary fiction with an LGBTQ twist, small-town romances facing big-time issues, and space opera inspired by the Wild West.
So why isn’t this site A long time ago, I took up the online persona of “bonusparts”. It’s been part of my identity for almost as long as I’ve been on the Internet. While anonymity doesn’t serve an author well, I couldn’t bear to completely cast aside all the stories and friends I’d made over the years as bonusparts. If you came to this site looking to learn more about Mayumi Hirtzel, bonusparts, or “Mayumi-H”, you’ve made a good choice.
Life is a journey, and I’ve found that the best way to experience a journey is through stories. I hope you join me on mine!