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100 Word Challenge for Grown-UpsCarrying over from last time, is this week’s 100 Word Challenge for Grown-Ups:

The prompt this week is to go back to last week’s entries. You are to use the last 10 words of the post next to yours and using just 100 words create a story. It may be a follow-on from the previous one or you may like to take it in a different direction. So:
  1. You find your entry HERE
  2. You go to the next entry (if you were 6 you go to 7 etc)
    (I was #16, so I’m using #17 for my prompt: “An Important Date” by Andrea, the gothcatlady. It is a lovely little ode to Carroll’s original story, and I suggest you read it for yourself, before going on to my take on her prompt!)
  3. Using the last ten words as the prompt you write your piece. The prompt can be anywhere in the piece but must be complete as it was in the original.
  4. If you didn’t take part last week, choose any entry to use the last 10 words from.

I was lucky enough to get a very charming prompt – What a wondrous adventure with young Alice that would be – for this week, and I’m delighted that I can even (sort of) continue from my own challenge from last time! So, without further ado, here it is.


Such Wondrous Adventures

With pinafore and ponytails bouncing, Katie bounds across the playground, away from them.

Watching her, Larry sighs. “Seems like yesterday,” he murmurs, “we were pregnant, and I was reading her Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.”

Beside him, Sally shrugs. “She’s growing up.”

“Does she have to do?” Larry asks, chuckling.

“What a wondrous adventure with young Alice that would be!” Sally says, and they laugh. But then they quiet, cuddling close.

“I didn’t think it would happen so fast,” Larry laments. He meets her gaze, chuckling anew. “I want another one!”

Sally blinks, then smiles, softly. “Funny, you should mention that….”

I do so love these little challenges, and being able to incorporate them into my own universes, in this case, that of my Songbirds, Sally and Larry. I wish I could share them with more people, too, especially the ones who enjoyed the original Songbirds series of stories. Who knows? Maybe, someday, I can…and will!

I can only hope that Judee, over at write tuit, has as much fun with my prompt as I had with Andrea’s!